Monday, 2 February 2009

the Kiwi would approve

I made dinner for the neighbours last night. I tried roasting a chicken for the first time (technically I've done it before as a joint effort, but previously always made Del be in charge of the meat). I sort of vaguely followed a recipe, although a few changes were made due to the unavailability of fresh rosemary. I really need to start a herb garden at some point.

I also made roasted root vegetables, golden couscous and Remkes' cornbread. And gravy. It was delicious. The neighbours, who are all very single guys' guys who technically can cook (they claim) but don't, were very impressed, so therefore I was pleased. Also they brought dessert and a bottle of homemade plonk, AND did the dishes. Very satisfactory guests. They are a lot less guy-ish when not on their home turf, as well.

Things are going pretty well. This is a week of heavy, heavy marking due to circumstances (one of my co-TAs has a trip to Africa, so my half of the work is all being dumped on me now instead of being spread out over the course of the semester). As well, I think I might actually be starting to test participants this week. It's a study that was already ongoing, but that relates to what I am doing. Will be nice to get started, I guess.

Anyway, I should go do some marking. The pressure is on - this stuff is due tomorrow :(