Monday, 28 January 2013

 I was just waiting for this to happen and it finally did: an American attempted to kill me. Well, pretty sure it wasn't deliberate, but made my heart beat a bit faster anyway. I have to cross a busy highway-ish bit to get to work, and both lights go at once so pedestrians can cross diagonally. So both walk lights were on and we were crossing, and some idiot on a cell phone (naturellement) went halfway through the intersection and stopped three feet away from me. Right in front of me was a granola-looking mom with a baby carriage, and man was she not impressed. Lots of yelling - and the woman on just sat in the intersection on her cell phone! Unbelievable. I got across without incident after that and then the honking started as she was just sitting there blocking traffic from the other direction (and Connecticut drivers take no prisoners).

Other than that, things continue, in a Januaryish manner. Someone hacked my credit card, so once again (AGAIN!) I don't have access to it until it shows up in the post. So no booking flights to go see Del (or train to go see Rebecca in DC, so I missed out this weekend) and no buying anything online or paying my phone bill. Deeply annoying but on the plus side the fraud people caught it right away. I got a call during a meeting asking if I had been buying electronics in Burnaby, BC and then selling them on Kijiji. Um, NO.

It is finally cold here, which is unfortunate because my heating still doesn't work. The registers don't go on and the thermostat does nothing. Luckily it seems to get heat from the rest of the building so it stays around 60F, albeit with a gale howling through the crappy old windows (although I have done my best with blackout curtains and that cling-wrap stuff, it's still pretty draughty). However, I have crocheted most of a large shawl which should help... except that I can't order the last of the wool I need due to lack of credit card!

On the very strongly upside, though, my bed has arrived! It is SO MUCH WARMER sleeping off the floor (it turns out). I used my new drill and it is pretty awesome as well. It comes with a light! This will come in handy for the next hurricane/ice storm. The downside was that my bed arrived sans slats. Apparently they are sold separately. But I couldn't stand having it there and not being able to use it, so I jury-rigged it using bits of wood molding from next door's basement (I found it stuck off in a corner - I have access to use the laundry since our building doesn't have any) and cardboard. There was a metal beam down the middle, so I was able to sort of criss-cross bits of wood to more or less support the mattress. In a stroke of luck, though, my labmate Stephanie took me to IKEA this weekend to get the proper slats, which are now in place, so after a week of being very tentative and sleeping carefully down the middle of the bed over the metal beam, I can now sit on my bed without fear of falling through! Exciting times indeed. (I could have ordered it from IKEA but they charge $50 shipping on a $30 set of slats... I did think of joining Zipcar, but whoops, no credit card!)

Oooh, I also made myself an excellent toque. Sparkly sequinned yarn! (left over from Jude's present). In case you couldn't tell, I have been in procrastination mode all month. Sorry to everyone I still owe presents to. I will buckle down soon! In the meantime, toque picture!

Learned a new stitch with that one, was quite pleased.

Apart from that, work and gym and not much else. Except making crazy stuff for my house. I'm trying to make a sort of screen/room divider thing out of tin cans and stuff off Freecycle. We will see how that goes. Helena is back - green card in hand, having had a January Christmas with her family.

January, blahhhhh....


lisaandrichard said...

Nice hat!

Did you ask your landlord about heat? Maybe if s/he doesn't want to cough up, you could ask for space heaters?

Anne said...

I put in a request to the landlord last Thurs, shivered through the weekend, and today somebody emailed me about it - and when I got home the radiators were working!! So exciting to be WARM! It is lovely and cozy now.

Judith said...

I like your hat. do they have a distracted driver law there?

lisaandrichard said...

I anxiously await my present. My belated gift for Sandi got sent 10 days ago!

Anne said...

GUILT!!!! Sorry!!! It is done, will try to get it in the post by the weekend. sorry sorry sorry :(

My clinical colleague appears to have joined the flu epidemic... today I had a fever so am paranoid, but no stomach symptoms so far so fingers crossed.

Not sure about distracted driving laws. They all seem pretty distracted if you ask me...

lisaandrichard said...

I wasn't trying to guilt you. just noting that Christmas gift lateness runs in family :)After getting the gift done, mailing it seems impossible. I have no idea why that is? Some psychologist should do a study on it.

lisaandrichard said...

And I was anxiously awaiting since your picture of hat looked so awesome.
It was an excited anxious, not a fretful anxious.

lisaandrichard said...

I really must stop posting.

Anne said...

ha ha, okay. It is technically done but I wanted to try adding some additional features... I really should quit and post while I'm ahead but we will see how it goes!